Reserving the feral dog and touching story

An Indian man accidentally walked through a wasteland, perhaps an old house that had just collapsed.

Reserving the feral dog and touching story
Reserving the feral dog and touching story

By chance, he discovered a thin dog walking around with a pitiful whine, seeing the man he was very happy wagging his tail to signal him to come closer.

Reserving the feral dog and touching story
Reserving the feral dog and touching story

Although the man did not understand what was going on, the man approached, comforted and was about to take it away, but he kept scratching the soil under his feet to signal, the man followed the instructions, digging through the bricks and rocks but did not find it. what sign.

Reserving the feral dog and touching story
Reserving the feral dog and touching story

The dog kept begging for help and he continued to dig. Finally discovered the small hole mouth and the cries of the puppies. The mother dog is happy, 2 newborn puppies have just been rescued in time.

Reserving the feral dog and touching story
Reserving the feral dog and touching story

The happy and sympathetic man brought them home, giving them food and a cozy nest.

Fortunately, the mother and son of the dog were reunited and found a new owner who loves them.

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