Little dog makes sure wife knows that husband belongs to her

Sometimes, our pets can get a little jealous and overprotective of us- especially around new people. Your pet might not like you directing your attention elsewhere, or they may worry that another person is going to come and ‘steal’ you.

This is particularly common when it comes to dating and new relationships, but what happens when you’re a married couple, and your dog still gets jealous?

Well that’s exactly what happened to one married couple, when despite them raising their dog together from a puppy, the dog developed an affection towards one particular person: the husband. The possessive little dog decided that he was all for her- and doesn’t like it one bit when the wife tries to show some affection to her husband! The couple documented their dog’s possessiveness in some hilarious pictures and videos, and we just knew that we’d have to share them with you.

Little dog
Little dog

Alicia and Nathan McNeese have a great marriage, but there’s just one person who’s always trying to get between them: their chihuahua named Bristol. The little dog developed an affection for Nathan from the minute she met him, and since then, it’s been all about him. In fact, oftentimes, Alicia can’t get much of a look in.

Little dog
Little dog

Bristol lets her connection with Nathan be known, by basically never leaving his side. The little dog snuggles up on her dad’s shoulder, follows him around like a sheep and is even the little spoon when they go to bed! Hilariously, she often takes Alicia’s space in bed, in the hopes that Alicia will find another spot to kip in. But the tiny pup doesn’t take up much space, so luckily, Alicia is still able to share the bed with her husband.

Apparently, whenever Bristol is having cuddles with Nathan, she throws Alicia a look which says loud and clear: “‘Sorry, Mom, he is my man.” What a cheeky pup!

Little dog
Little dog

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